
Policy review Enhanced implementation of the Energy Saving Obligation

CE Delft was commissioned by the Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management (Rijkswaterstaat) to conducted a policy evaluation of the Enhanced Implementation of the Energy Saving and Information Obligations (Versterkte uitvoering energiebesparings- en informatieplicht, VUE) scheme. This scheme made budget available to the Environmental Services (Omgevingsdiensten), which allowed them to hire consulting firms to carry out monitoring and enforcement activities with regard to the energy saving obligation. The Enhanced Implementation of the Energy Saving and Information Obligations scheme was in effect from 2020-2024.

We conclude that the Enhanced Implementation of the Energy Saving and Information Obligations scheme contributed positively to the energy saving obligation by having external consultants carry out over 100,000 activities. This has helped the Environmental Services to implement the energy saving obligation by finding companies and institutions that are obliged to save energy, carrying out an initial check of these companies and intensifying already ongoing checks. The budget has also been spent effectively and the Environmental Services are positive about the process. The Environmental Services do provide a number of suggestions for improvements; in the meantime, the central government has acted upon these suggestions.