Five Dutch ministries are engaged in Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP): Economic Affairs & Climate Policy, Interior & Kingdom Relations, Foreign Relations, Social Affairs & Employment and Infrastructure & Water Management. At their request CE Delft has reviewed the SPP Action Plan, 2015-2020.The key question addressed was: has the Action Plan helped government agencies pursue Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) with greater vigour and has this lowered environmental footprints? It was also examined what elements stakeholders feel are lacking in current SPP policy and whether SPP is improving sustainability in the marketplace.
SPP having a positive impact Since 2015 government departments have been stepping up their efforts on SPP. Projects in which it has been effectively deployed help reduce CO2 emissions and environmental footprints and increase the number of jobs for those at a disadvantage on the labour market. These are the main initial results to emerge from this new monitoring methodology. The stakeholders participating in the online survey or interviewed report favourably on the impact of SPP deployment.
Recommendations A number of recommendations to the government on possible follow-up SPP policy in the period 2021-2025 emerged from the study, including the following: