This synthesis study reconstructs the theory of Dutch climate policy and analyses the effectiveness and efficiency of climate policy between 2019 and 2024. This study can be used to develop the new 2024 Climate Plan, together with the lessons learned evaluation of current climate policy conducted by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (Planbureau voor de Leefomgeving) and strategic advice from the Netherlands Scientific Climate Council (Wetenschappelijke Klimaatraad).
The results are based on evaluation research (26 studies) and a review of insights from scientific literature on climate transitions, complemented by a decomposition analysis of climate emission trends over the period 2015-2022. The main findings are:
Climate policy challenges increasingly transcend the level of classic market failures (the CO2 price is not paid in full) and are currently at the level of system and transition failures. Towards 2030, it is therefore recommended that instruments that create framework conditions from a broad systems perspective be used and that this be given a place in policy theory. Regarding climate policy, it is further recommended to ensure a balanced policy mix in which normative instruments also play an important role. Finally, the study recommends ways to better evaluate policies.