
Noordenveld climate neutral 2040

Climate change is one of the major global challenges. For this reason, the municipality of Noordenveld is committed to reducing its impact on climate change. Our goal is to be climate-neutral by 2040. This means reducing greenhouse gas emissions since they are responsible for climate change.

This study answers the following questions: What does it mean to be climate-neutral? What is the scale of the task and what can the municipality do? How do Noordenveld’s current plans and goals contribute to achieving climate neutrality by 2040?

Based on current goals, Noordenveld will achieve a reduction of approximately 54% in emissions by 2040, compared to the current situation. This is insufficient for Noordenveld to achieve climate neutrality by 2040. The main reasons for this are:

  • Municipal policies are not yet fully consistent with the goals for 2040. This means that not all efforts are designed with the aim of achieving climate neutrality. In addition, some of the goals are not sufficiently concrete to calculate their impact.
  • Many of the emissions are emitted by sectors over which the municipality has little control. Existing national and provincial policies will not produce sufficient emission reductions. This applies in particular to mineral extraction (including gas storage) and agriculture.
  • Under current policies, not all electricity in the Netherlands will be climate-neutral by 2040. Greenhouse gases will therefore still be released from electricity use in 2040.