Following the 22 November 2023 elections, formation talks on forming a new cabinet will take place. To maximise facilitation of these discussions in the field of circular economy, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management is compiling suggestions for circular measures and CE Delft has been asked to conduct an initial exploration of the effects of these measures on climate, security of supply, biodiversity and other environmental impact.
Global emissions reductions from these circular measures are substantial and are estimated to be between 5 and 8 megatonnes of CO2 equivalents in total. The biggest climate gain is expected to come from the European standard for sustainable carbon in the chemical industry. The subsidy scheme (à la SDE++) for circular techniques also realises a significant CO2 emission reduction. Among the other circular measures, positive effects on climate, security of supply and biodiversity can also be expected to varying degrees.
The report is part of the Circular Economy Summary Letter (only in Dutch) sent to the House of Representatives on 13 February 2024.