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Frans Rooijers

Frans Rooijers
About Frans

Expertise: Electrical power supply | Household and business energy systems | Government policy instruments

I’ve been working in the field of energy saving and electricity supply since 1980. I’ve completed my study at the TU-Delft (electricity supply). I’ve been working at CE Delft since 1990 and was general manager from 1999 to 2024. In addition to management tasks, I always worked on projects. My expertise is electricity supply (both technical, policy and strategic), but I also carried out projects in the field of gas and heat. I’m very well informed of technical and financial developments and of the policies of the EU and the Netherlands.

A special project is Green4sure, a comprehensive and well-considered package of policies with which the government can induce trade and industry and individual citizens to make energy-efficient and green choices in their day-to-day activities – and a way for the Netherlands to achieve a 50% reduction of CO2 emissions over the next 25 years.

Rapporten waar Frans Rooijers auteur is

Exploration of heat companies. Sufficient implementation capacity to achieve heat supply targets
February 2025
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Market design for CO2 free electricity. Reflection paper: additional market rules?
October 2023
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Integral impact analysis. National Energy Infrastructure Programme 2023
July 2023
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