In this study, we bring together both the availability and sectoral demand data of CO2-free[1] energy sources for the EU27+3[2] in the year 2040. This will provide a high-level overview of whether or not it is possible to fulfil the sectors’ demand for CO2-free energy and competing feedstocks, taking into account the local technical potential of these resources. This study would ideally form the basis for discussions on how to develop, allocate and use the potential resources available.
The figure shows that between now and 2040, supply needs to increase by about six times to reach the technical potential estimated in this study. In addition, the current EU27+3 governments’ ambitions for the capacity of the considered CO2-free energy sources in 2040 is about two thirds of the technical supply potential estimated in this study. These government ambitions alone do not meet the demand for CO2-free energy sources and feedstocks in 2040. Note that the CO2-free demand in 2040 presented in the figure is not the total energy/feedstock demand of the different sectors: they will also still have a fossil demand (about 30% of the total energy/feedstock demand). Note that the supply figures do not include import.